New Life Covenant Church

Welcome to New Life!!!​ ​​​

10:15 AM - Sunday Moring

Directions:  Go to the App Store and search for

Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement.  Install the app and then search for New Life Covenant Church, in Saginaw, MN.  Once you give, repeat giving will be a snap!

Set up giving on your Phone

  • Exodus 19 - Pentecost (Part 2)29:34


We understand New Birth as a beginning and not an end.  As Christ followers our mission is to pursue Spiritual transformation over the course of a life time.

We are not simply individuals consuming religious goods.  Our mission is to become a community that reflects God’s priorities in the world.

​We believe lost people matters to God.  Connecting the unconnected to our Savior Jesus Christ is the central focus of what God has called us to do.

