​​​​​​​Our Vision
To be a healthy missional church that reflects our context; where people are coming to personal faith in Jesus, where we listen and respond to God’s Spirit leading us, where people are growing in faith, worshipping with passion, and using their gifts towards the expansion of God’s Kingdom.

Our Mission

  • Connect: We believe lost people matter to God. Connecting the unconnected to our Savior Jesus Christ is the central focus of what God has called us to do. 
  • Grow: We understand New Birth as a beginning and not an end. As Christ followers our mission is to pursue Spiritual transformation over a life time.  
  • Become: We are not simply individuals consuming religious goods. Our mission is to become a community that reflects God’s priorities in the world.  

We Value Being

  • Biblical: supremacy of scripture
  • Devotional: the principle of spiritual life or living faith
  • Missional: mission mindedness
  • Relational: the fellowship of believers, “I am a companion of all those who fear thee.”

Our Denomination
We are affiliated with the Evangelical Covenant Church: www.covchurch.org​

​We are a part of the Northwest Conference: northwestconference.org 

​What We Believe


New Life Covenant Church

Our History
New Life Covenant Church was established in 1957, in Twig, Minnesota (15 miles outside of Duluth). It was an old one-room school house that added indoor plumbing in the mid-70's and a sanctuary in the 80's. Through much of our history it consisted of part-time and/or shared pastors and was a preaching point in a rural setting. In the 90's the church almost had to close its doors if not for a few of the faithful who were committed to this ministry. Through listening to the Lord, and following his lead, New Life now is an active, thriving church.  

The original facility, however, had become a hindrance to ministry.  As a church family seeking to bring Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world, we found ourselves at another defining moment.  Could God be leading us on a new adventure, in a new location? Were we being called to do something that seemed so much bigger than us? 

In 2006, New Life went through a thoughtful process of exploring God's leading to build a new church. Five acres were donated,   and an additional 2.7 acres adjoining the new land were purchased under the guidance of the Building Committee. After three months of weekly input sessions, a Capital Campaign Committee was created. In May 2013, we launched a three-year Capital Campaign called the Wave.

The Wave Campaign invited us to pursue new opportunities to make Waves.  Waves have this unwavering persistent faithful quality to them. Although water is by nature pliable, over time it has the power to cut through stone, transform landscapes, and sustain life. Ultimately, we see the opportunity to share “Living Water” with our community and the world. We share the story of Jesus, who has the power to turn hearts from stone to flesh and the power to transform the landscape of our lives and community.  We are here to share the source of our lives with others.

On May 31, 2015, we officially moved across the street to our new building. The Lord has been so good to us!  Many have faithfully given their time, talents and resources to make this a reality. However, this is not the end of our journey.  Today, New Life is faithfully listening to the Word of the Lord, seeking his guidance and stepping out in faith.  Join us, as we follow God on this Great Adventure!